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DDA Staff showcasing at the 3rd National Agricultural show in Jinja.

DDA Staff showcasing at the 3rd National Agricultural show in Jinja.

DDA staff showcased and educated attendees about the importance of dairy at the 3rd National Agricultural Show in Jinja, held under the theme 'Young Innovations: Transforming Agriculture for National Prosperity.' The event provided an opportunity for DDA to highlight the role of dairy in enhancing nutrition and food security, while also emphasizing the need for value addition in the dairy sector.

Through interactive sessions, demonstrations, and exhibitions, DDA staff educated the public on innovative dairy farming practices like using milking machines, the health benefits of consuming dairy products, and the economic potential of the dairy industry. They underscored the importance of value addition — such as processing milk into products like yogurt, cheese, and butter — to boost farmers' incomes, reduce post-harvest losses, and create employment opportunities in the dairy value chain.

By promoting innovation and value addition in the dairy sector, DDA aims to empower young farmers and entrepreneurs, contributing to the broader goal of transforming agriculture into a more prosperous and sustainable industry for Uganda’s future."


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