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Training of Farmers in Eastern Uganda

Training of Farmers in Eastern Uganda

DDA Eastern Region staffs trained dairy farmers about good dairy husbandry practices (hygienic milk production and handling, nutrition, integrated tick control, record keeping, breeding and breeding technologies).
Over 250 dairy farmers were trained in Jinja district with the involvement of sub county veterinary officers. Participants were from different areas of eastern region like Butagaya dairy farmers cooperative in Butagaya subcounty, Jinja district trained from 3 locations with trainings held at parish level for 6 parishes, 2 parishes combined at a time, Kagoma Dairy Farmers Cooperative and Savings Association in Kagoma subcounty, Jinja district.
Later the farmers were taken around the training host farmer's garden to learn about zero grazing, Biogas and improved dairy cattle feeding. The farmers were taken around the training host farmer's farm to learn about zero grazing, Biogas, improved dairy cattle feeding and appreciate the role of Artificial Insemination in dairy breeds improvement.

All the training participants were also mobilised to participate in the upcoming African Dairy Conference and Exhibition in Kampala in September. 


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