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0Following the procurement of 352 Milk cans, 176 milking buckets and 68 Scoops, DDA organized a distribution activity on Tuesday 15th August 2023 to selected and approved beneficiaries; the function was performed by MOSAI Hon Bright Rwamirama in line with the promotion of the clean milk Production Campaign (CMP) which he launched on 27th October 2020. It’s therefore against the above background that this activity was carried out.
In order to effectively develop the dairy industry, DDA procured and distributed dairy related inputs to demonstrate best recommended dairy farming practices for improved production and productivity, these inputs were distributed to well selected and technically assessed beneficiaries.
Hygienic milking handling procedures are a crucial part of Clean Milk Production, Non-food grade milk handling containers such as Jerry cans easily spoil milk quality and make it difficult for farmers to observe these hygienic procedures as the non-food grade containers cannot easily be cleaned and they are not inert with milk hence leading to spoilage of milk in a short period of time since they easily retain bacteria due to poor hygiene hence leading to post harvest handling losses.
The Minister of State for Animal Industries (MOSAI) has also briefed the country on the new developments in the Dairy Industry such as the new markets for dairy products and the standard requirements for these markets through different media interviews.