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Training of Namalu Dairy Farmers Association

Training of Namalu Dairy Farmers Association

DDA NER undertaking training of Namalu Dairy Farmers Association in Nakapiripirit district in Karamoja sub region in Milk value addition (How to produce better quality yoghurt and minimisation of process failure). The group is led by Rev. Canon Peter Iriama ( CP) and is currently making yoghurt that is wholly consumed by the immediate community with some sold to Moroto. The demand is excitingly overwhelming the current supply! implying that the future is brighter. The   group has been nurtured into this business by NER with support from EDTS at the initiation stage. It is such a success story!


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    Thanks team. This is the way to go! Strategic business oriented actions like this are required to foster and grow the local demand of locally produced milk. This will in turn make the local milk more competitive and thus raise the farm gate price- a key incentive to increased dairy productivity technology adoption by the farmers.

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